Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Totally "BOND-esque" Polished Silver Oval WIFI and 2GB USB Combination Cufflinks. These cufflinks feature 2GB USB storage plus they provide a WiFi hotspot to multiple devices! You can also access media servers from the host computer. Perfect for business meetings, travel and techies everywhere.

GPS for your keys! I need this (and one for my purse and phone)!
GPS for your keys! I need this (and one for my purse and phone)!
Click here to download
Totally "BOND-esque" Polished Silver Oval WIFI and 2GB USB Combination Cufflinks. These cufflinks feature 2GB USB storage plus they provide a WiFi hotspot to multiple devices! You can also access media servers from the host computer. Perfect for business meetings, travel and techies everywhere.
Totally "BOND-esque" Polished Silver Oval WIFI and 2GB USB Combination Cufflinks.  These cufflinks feature 2GB USB storage plus they provide a WiFi hotspot to multiple devices! You can also access media servers from the host computer. Perfect for business meetings, travel and techies everywhere.
Click here to download

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